AARP Tax Aide Services Suspended at VCAAA 


(Ventura, Calif.) – The AARP Foundation announced Friday that they will be suspending tax preparation services at the Ventura County Area Agency on Aging (VCAAA) effective March 16, 2020, due to the threat of COVID-19 (coronavirus) in Ventura County. 

AARP Foundation Tax Aide volunteers began the annual partnership with the VCAAA on February 3, offering free tax preparation services to anyone of low to moderate income, with services especially suited to those 50 and older. ​Thursday’s health emergency declaration in Ventura County prompted several businesses and organizations to stop or limit services in an effort to combat the spread of COVID-19.

The VCAAA office, however, and all VCAAA services continue to operate as usual, with the exception of Senior Nutrition Program classes and in-person counseling. Clients who visit the office will be asked to keep a six-foot distance between themselves and others, but the VCAAA wants to emphasize that assistance is available for Ventura County residents in need of services and resources.

The VCAAA office is located at 646 County Square Drive in Ventura. For more information, call (805) 477-7300 or visit

The AARP Foundation operates the AARP Tax-Aide program under a cooperative agreement with the IRS. To help you complete your tax forms, AARP’s trained and IRS-certified volunteers will see personal information that you give them about you and your finances. This information is strictly confidential. We will not share your information with anyone except as necessary to accurately file your tax returns or as otherwise required by law. AARP Foundation Tax-Aide has more than 5,000 locations in neighborhood libraries, malls, banks, community centers and senior centers. There’s no fee and no sales pitch for other services and AARP membership is not required.

The Ventura County Area Agency on Aging, an agency of the County of Ventura, is the principal agency in Ventura County charged with the responsibility to promote the development and implementation of a comprehensive coordinated system of care that enables older individuals, people with disabilities, and their caregivers to live in a community-based setting and to advocate for the needs of those 60 years of age and older in the county, providing leadership and promoting citizen involvement in the planning process as well as in the delivery of services.