Advisory Council Menu
See the Advisory Council Meeting Schedule for dates and times of all Advisory Council general meetings and subcommittee meetings for this fiscal year. The menu below has information about each of the subcommittees and their most recent agendas.
Housing Committee
The Housing Committee focuses on housing livability issues and their impact on persons aged 60 and older and adults with disabilities.
Optimal Aging Committee
The Optimal Aging Committee explores new and innovative ways to improve the quality of life for seniors in Ventura County.
The mission statement: “To encourage and inspire older adults to enhance the quality of their lives, to maintain their identity and independence, to foster self-direction and to encourage them to be engaged and productive in a variety of activities regardless of disabilities of adverse medical conditions. The committee will accomplish this by exploring and recommending methods, programs, services and educational tools.”
Senior Nutrition and Health Committee
The Senior Nutrition and Health Committee provides guidance to the Senior Nutrition Program and look deeper at health issues relating to older adults.
This committee intends to increase public awareness of the food insecurity issues facing seniors in Ventura County; bring awareness and need for wholesome nutrition and help promote nutritional education information and materials to congregate and home-delivered meal participants; work toward preventative health measures, identifying chronic disease in communities, find solutions for healthier living for seniors; and advocate for and improve the current level of health care for Ventura County seniors by continuing to work with health care professionals, stakeholders, and service providers.
" 2/19/2025 Senior Nutrition & Health Committee Meeting Agenda (PDF)
Transportation Committee
The Transportation Committee focuses on transportation issues and their impact on persons aged 60 and older and adults with disabilities.
» Future agenda TBD
Workforce Committee
The Workforce Committee offers job and skills training opportunities and provides resources for employers and older adult job seekers to get help when they need it.
Other Committees
By-Laws Committee
This committee meets only when changes to the by‐laws for the Advisory Council are proposed.
Executive Committee
Nominating Committee
These committee meeting periodically to develop materials and additional information in order to develop programs and work for the VCAAA.
Planning and Allocations Committee
The Planning and Allocations Committee and VCAAA staff ensure that new programs meet one or more specific service gaps (as determined by needs assessments) and serve one or more target populations. This committee focuses on working with VCAAA staff and to determine grant funding and program development; this committee includes selected members of all standing committees.