collage of photos, individual looking sad, younger woman helping older woman, older man with two sons

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, one in six Californians over the age of 65 will develop Alzheimer’s, and one in five will develop dementia. 

Alzheimer’s accounts for 60 to 80 percent of dementia cases and currently impacts an estimated 720,000 Californians (12% of adults over the age of 65). That number is expected to grow to 1.5 million by the year 2040.

The VCAAA has programs that can help individuals and their families battling Alzheimer’s or a related dementia.

Specialized Case Management for Persons with
Alzheimer's Disease or Related Dementia (ADRD)

The ADRD case management program aids adults who live alone. It aims to reduce costs and keep clients living in their homes, with a higher quality of life, for as long as possible.

  • Live in Ventura County
  • Be at risk of institutionalization
  • Be able to be maintained in the community with the program
  • Live alone, have Alzheimer’s Disease or Related Dementia (ADRD), and need supportive services in order to remain in the community OR have an intellectual or developmental disability and have a diagnosis of, or are likely to get, Alzheimer’s Disease or Related Dementia (ADRD)

CAlz Connect

CAlz Connect is a six-month program for people living with dementia and their caregivers. It is designed to improve the quality of life for individuals living with dementia at home, and decrease the burden that caregivers may face.

  • Is over 45 years old
  • Is living in Ventura County (or their caregiver is)
  • Has a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia
  • Has a person (18+ years old) who helps them and is willing to participate in the program
  • Is not living in a skilled nursing facility or memory care community
  • Speaks English and/or Spanish
  • Is not already involved in a similar dementia care support program

A trained community health worker will reach out to the participants via telephone or Zoom once or twice a month to help with topics such as staying healthy, preventing injuries, accessing community resources and coping with stress.

The community health worker will provide dementia information and education, work with the family to develop a plan of care, connect families with community services/supports, and aid in care transitions.

As part of this program, there is a medication review service that allows a pharmacist to check on whether or not you may be taking medications that increase your risk of falls, injuries or emergency room visits.

CAlz Connect Application Form (PDF)
CAlz Connect Information Flyer (PDF-English)
CAlz Connect Information Flyer (PDF-Spanish)

Project Livesaver

The VC Found Project Lifesaver program is designed to quickly locate individuals who are prone to wandering and have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or a related dementia.

Individuals are outfitted with a free bracelet, which uses proven radio technology. If an enrolled client goes missing, a caregiver or loved one will notify 911. Law enforcement can activate the radio frequency on the bracelet and assist them in finding someone who has gone missing.

Project Lifesaver Bracelet
  • Client has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or a related dementia, and has a history of wandering.
  • Client must have a caregiver or family member willing to regularly test, charge and maintain the tracking bracelet.
  • Project Lifesaver is currently available in the following communities: Camarillo, Fillmore, Moorpark, Ojai, Thousand Oaks.
  • If you are interested but live in an area of Ventura County where Project Lifesaver is not currently available, please feel free to submit an application. If and when the coverage area expands, we will have your information on our waiting list.

Please contact the VCAAA at 805-477-7300 if you are interested in Project Lifesaver.

Dementia Friendly Ventura County

Dementia Friendly Ventura County is a coalition sponsored by the VCAAA that includes many Ventura County agencies and organizations that help provide information and support for those battling Alzheimer’s or a related dementia.

The group works to designate local businesses as “Dementia Friendly” and provides educational opportunities to the community.

" Dementia Friendly Ventura County

Memory Screenings

Free 15-minute Memory Screenings are available at the VCAAA offices on the 4th Thursday of every month, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., on a first-come, first-served basis. Call 805-477-7300 for more information.

NOTE: A memory screening is not used to diagnose any particular illness and does not replace consultation with a qualified physician or other healthcare professional.

" Memory Screening Flyer (PDF-English & Spanish)