Case management programs provide services intended to help older adults and people with disabilities from having to go into nursing homes or care facilities. These programs reduce costs and enable clients to keep living in their homes while enjoying a higher quality of life.
Registered nurses and social workers provide case management services to clients and their families. These services may include:
- Making a full review of the client’s and family’s needs
- Creating a Care Plan with the client to meet their needs through family and community resources
- Monthly check-ins with clients, either in-person or over the telephone
- Purchasing services and or/items that are not available through family and community resources
- Connecting the client to services that meet the Care Plan’s goals
- Reviewing the client’s needs regularly to track the progress of new services
- Helping the client keep services and find new ones
Multipurpose Senior Services Program (MSSP)
The Multipurpose Senior Services Program (MSSP) waiver provides services to Medi-Cal eligible individuals who are 65 years or older and disabled as an alternative to nursing facility placement. The MSSP waiver allows individuals to remain safely in their homes. Wait lists for this program may occur.
MSSP Services
- Home modifications (grab bars, ramps, etc.)
- Non-medical equipment (medical alert systems, heaters, fans, etc.)
- Supplemental personal care, homemaker chore services, caregiver relief
- Transporte
- Minor home repairs
- Counseling for mental and/or medical issues
Eligibility for MSSP
- Be 65 years of age or older
- Live in Ventura County
- Have a possible need for nursing home care
- Be eligible or enrolled in Medi-Cal with no Share of Cost.
More Information & Forms
Home and Community-Based Alternatives (HCBA) Program
The Home and Community-Based Alternatives (HCBA) waiver provides care management services to nursing facility-eligible individuals of any age. HCBA provides home-based services including ongoing care management, referrals and personal care services to individuals on Medi-Cal who need regular monitoring. Wait lists for this program may occur.
Eligibility for HCBA
- Live in Ventura County
- If not for services, would require placement in a medical care facility
- Need services or monthly monitoring to remain safe
- Be eligible for or enrolled in Medi-Cal
More Information & Forms
Additional Case Management Programs
" Alzheimer’s Disease or Related Dementia (ADRD) — a program for people who have Alzheimer’s or a related dementia and live alone
" CAlz — a program for people who have Alzheimer’s or a related dementia and their caregivers
" Program to Encourage Active, Rewarding Lives (PEARLS) — a program to help prevent late-life depression
Care Management for Older Adults
The Care Management for Older Adults program provides case management as well as comprehensive Information & Assistance services. There is no income criteria for the program. This program is designed to be a “gap-filler”, which assists individuals at risk of institutionalization who are not receiving other case management services, including the MSSP or HCBA programs.