
VCAAA’s HICAP team tackles Medicare Open Enrollment questions and concerns


Ventura, Calif. – The Ventura County Area Agency on Aging’s Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program (HICAP) is tackling all questions and concerns related to Medicare Open Enrollment by hosting a variety of one-stops throughout Ventura County beginning October 15th. Services will be offered virtually and in-person on a case-by-case basis through December 7th. All services are free and open to the public.

The transition to Medicare can be daunting and understanding plan options and the costs associated with each is often overwhelming. The VCAAA’s HICAP team is made up of highly trained counselors who provide free and unbiased assistance to Medicare recipients. Counseling services vary and are based on individual needs. Other services provided include a full assessment through the VCAAA’s Benefits Enrollment Center to determine eligibility for a variety of other benefits and services.

Medicare Open Enrollment One-stops are currently by appointment only. Online and telephone options are available. No walk-ins will be accepted. All COVID-19 safety protocols will be in place.

Please visit www.vcaaa.org to complete the HICAP Part D/MA Comparison Form or call (805) 477-7300 ext. 5 for more information or 800-434-0222. For additional information or to make an appointment, e-mail HICAP@Ventura.org.

This project was supported, in part by grant number 90SAPG0094-02*, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL), Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects under government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official ACL policy.

The Ventura County Area Agency on Aging, an agency of the County of Ventura, is the principal agency in Ventura County charged with the responsibility to promote the development and implementation of a comprehensive coordinated system of care that enables older individuals, caregivers, and individuals with disabilities to live in a community-based setting and to advocate for the needs of those 60 years of age and older in the county, providing leadership and promoting citizen involvement in the planning process as well as in the delivery of services.