photo of two people working on a farm

VCAAA Releases 2022 Volunteer Impact Report


VENTURA, California – Volunteers at the Ventura County Area Agency on Aging contributed more than 7,000 hours of assistance in 2022, providing an estimated value of more than $250,000 in work to the agency.

“Volunteers play a crucial role in the VCAAA’s programs and services,” VCAAA Director Victoria Jump said. “A significant part of what we do for the community would not be possible without the commitment that our volunteers have shown over the years. We are very thankful for the contributions they have made to improving the lives of older adults, people with disabilities, and caregivers in Ventura County.”

The total amount of time worked by volunteers in 2022 was 7,199.81 hours. The last Independent Sector study valued California volunteers at $35.56 per hour, giving their efforts a total figure of $256,025.24.

Volunteer opportunities are available in the Fall Prevention Program, the Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program, the Information and Assistance Call Center, the Senior Nutrition Farm, and for Food Box Delivery Drivers.

To learn more about volunteering at the VCAAA, call (805) 477-7300 or visit

For more information, please see the full Volunteer Impact Report (PDF).